What does your dream life truly cost? KNOW YOUR NUMBER.


So, you want to…

🔶 Live in a bigger house, drive a nicer car, travel constantly to exotic locations and enjoy time with your family without feeling guilty for not working. 

🔶 Maybe you want to purchase a breathtaking cottage in the mountains, homeschool your children and live life without so many distractions. You want to have your own garden and have a home chef cook you meals that are healthy and delicious that bring variety to your life. 

🔶 Maybe you want to travel endlessly, see all the corners of the world, make a difference on this planet and leave a legacy of change and good. 

But the thing is, you want all of this without ever having to worry about MONEY.

You want to be able to afford this dream life, with ease.

Sounds too good to be true? It’s not, and it’s also not as expensive as you might think!! 

We CAN have it all! We tend to dream about how we would love our lives to be like...
as if it was not possible. 


I want you to challenge that thinking, and I’d like for you to do it with a little exercise I have for you called “Know Your Number”. I want to share this activity with you in the hopes that it helps you have a clearer idea of the ACTUAL price behind the life that you dream of! It is not a secret formula, but it will help give you the direction and joy it gave me when I completed it with my husband. So, how will we bring this dream life into a reality? Let’s talk about that!

1. Start with Visualization

We begin with the fun stuff: visualize everything and anything you want. In what house do you see yourself living in? What car do you drive? Where will be your next vacation? Sit down and list all of the things your heart and mind desire for your life, no matter how expensive you might think it is! It is so easy to think that certain things are “too luxurious” for us, or that only celebrities are able to afford certain commodities you would like to have access to as well. Let’s leave that thought aside! In this part of the exercise, there are no limits. Dream big, expand your imagination and think: if you could have EVERYTHING and ANYTHING you have ever wanted, what would it be? 

You are a devoted and ambitious entrepreneur, YOU are the celebrity. Just have fun thinking of all of these things, either by yourself or with your significant other/the person you share your life with. Explore all these possibilities, and once you have your list of “wishes” (for now!) we can move on to the next step of the exercise.

2. Consider Current Expenses and Bills

Now that we have on paper all of the things we know we want, it's time to consider some future finances by referring to our current expenses. How big do you think this future bill will be? This is where we can start guessing the prices of all of these things we want. It is usually in this stage of daydreaming that people can get a little discouraged, because it is easy to believe that the prices will be too unreachable.

 BUT, this only happens because we are stuck with the idea that this life is so unattainable that we don’t even take the time to have a clear idea of how much it TRULY will cost. SO, let’s change that! What do your bills look like right now? What are some of the things you pay at the moment that you will continue to pay in the future? Perhaps electricity, hydro, groceries, gas, etc. These are the types of things that are a constant expense in your current life. This will give you a good approximation of some finances we can carry into our dream life reality!

3. Find The REAL Numbers

Once we know what we want, and have a fair idea on some of the expenses we will continue having, it is time to find out the TRUE price behind your dream life. It is here that we will sit down, prop open our laptop (if we hadn’t already) and go on full research mode. You will go down your visualization list and start finding all of these things in the real world, where you can get them and how much they cost. You’d be surprised at the real price behind many of the things that you want! They might not be as pricey as you think they are. Plus, even if they are, you DESERVE pricey things, so don’t hold out!

Find the real-life example of the house that looks the closest to the home of your dreams, in the area that you want, and see the market listings for it. Let’s discover the actual price behind the car you want. Find out how much is the cost of that monthly restaurant date you want to have with your partner at the place of your choosing. Factor in all of these digits and calculate your monthly expenses. Multiply that amount by twelve and there you have it. That’s your number. You have found your North.

No more guessing, no more daydreaming without direction. Now you know what to aim for! Understanding and knowing the REAL number behind your dream is key to achieving every part of your vision. Money is not scary. Wanting to earn more is not bad, and neither is being rewarded for all your hard work! It is so important you internalize this truth within yourself, because once you put a number behind what you thought was only a dream, it becomes more doable.


Breaking away from thinking that your dream life is too expensive to become a reality is not easy, I know. We are so accustomed to losing ourselves in these “fantasies” that all we do is sigh and say “if only…”. Well, it does not have to be that way! Find your number, put a price tag on everything that you want, and you will know what you will be working towards. You have a solid goal, an attainable objective, and it is only a matter of work, strategizing and time before you realize that you are no longer working for the life you want, you are LIVING the life that you deserve.



Each month, I talk about a different topic that I feel the community will benefit from, and one of my main goals this month is to help you feel more comfortable regarding money and to remind you that you are deserving of abundance and prosperity in your business. To have more contact with content like this, make sure to join my email list!! At the start of every month I give out an Affirmations Calendar to help you manifest good things in your entrepreneur life! So, go and sign up to get your own calendar!

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