Do work you love, make bank, and meet friends that get it. The perfect mix of entrepreneurial education, online community, and coaching!

The Academy is the full package in terms of support for entrepreneurs.

“It has step-by-step educational resources to develop and refine your business strategies! It's like one big business family of incredible teachers, teammates, cheerleaders, and fans."

— Amy, @stayathomemaven

Say goodbye to your comfort zone.

I know firsthand what it’s like to be held back by limiting beliefs and struggle to build the life and business of your dreams

“Who would ever pay me for what I know?”

“What will people think of me?”

“There is so much info out there, it’s overwhelming.”

“I have such little time for my business.”

“I’ve made some money, but how do I triple it?”

“I don’t know what to do next to grow.”

“My family & friends don’t get me.”

⌧ “Scaling to 7 figures? Impossible for me.”

Sounds like you? Then you belong here.

I am up in numbers, sales, and leads!

“My mindset has shifted and I have made significant measurable progress since month one. I am up in numbers, sales, and my inbox has more people coming to me for collaboration instead of chasing them.” — Amie Mariana

Are you ready for this to be you?


  • You can be relaxed and confident when thinking about your business.

  • Your business can bring in the money you need and want.

  • The phrase: “I don’t have time,” is no longer ruling your life.

  • You’ll embody your new positive mindset around Abundance, Confidence, and Money.

  • You can have a close group of entrepreneurial girlfriends.

  • You can grow and create a business you are proud of, one that brings fulfillment and joy to your life all while allowing you the flexibility to be present with your family.

My job, inside The ACADEMY, is to help you achieve and believe all of this.

The Academy is the place where smart women go to build a business the right way. Following a proven system, The GROWTH Framework, you will go from feeling overwhelmed and lost, to feeling confident and successful, running a thriving business while still getting to spend quality time with the people you love most.

With our coaching, masterclasses, and our step by step framework, you will have every tool you need to build a sustainable and profitable business, no matter your industry.

I gain strength and knowledge every week.

"I recommend The Academy as I felt alone and unsure without it. As a sole business owner, it is all so new and scary at times. I gain strength and knowledge from the community every week."

— Audrey, @spaudry_kw

The GROWTH Framework

A simple-to-follow, step-by-step process to build a business that is sustainable, gives you flexibility, time with your loved ones, provides wealth, and is primed for growth!

Are we a good match?


You are ready to put in the work to make your big dreams a reality.

You want to stop being indecisive and take action towards your goals.

You want to build wealth and open up opportunities for your family & community!

You want to level up your social circle and start hanging out with women with high vibrational energy, big dreamers and action-takers.

If that’s you, you would make an incredible Academy Member!!!

The world needs more of this.

"The community you become immersed in, the support you receive, and the friendships made are true and authentic. Everyone builds each other up and is rooting to see them succeed. The world needs more of this."

— Melissa, @melissamilloy

Why are you struggling on your own?

I’ve worked with 200+ entrepreneurs and I’ve seen a few trends in things we fear:

  • Failing publicly, having to go back to a full-time job, or never being able to leave the one you have.

  • Rejection and being seen by your friends and family in a whole new way.

  • Geeting it wrong. Spending precious time building something you don’t know how to sell.

This is the place those fears come to be challenged and ultimately, changed.

The Academy pointed out things that hadn't crossed my mind!

“I didn't realize how many things I was missing or steps I was skipping. I thought I had done everything I was supposed to yet I wasn't growing. The Academy pointed out things that hadn't even crossed my mind to really help my business.”

— Rochelle Williams @thedessertartistinc

Who is this not for?


You’re expecting a quick fix.

You like to complain and talk about other people.

You would not describe yourself as a kind and supportive person.

You often think, “If I help them, what do I get in return?”

You believe that sharing your ideas, tactics, business strategies and how-tos will make your competition succeed and they will take your clients/customers.

Then no, please don’t. The Academy is not made for you.

Our Core Values

Abundance | Gratitude | Simplicity

Impact | Anti-Racism | Support | Community | Family

So what’s included and what’s the cost?

Monthly access to the five key elements of The Academy!

Expert training on all aspects of your business. Perfectly curated for the GROWTH level you are at!

Value of $300

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Video and audio covering Impostor Syndrome, Money Mindset, Affirmations, Intention Setting, Limiting Belief Breakthroughs, and more.

Value of $200

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Laser Coaching

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Get your SPECIFIC business questions answered. Submit questions or learn from watching others receive coaching.

Value of $250

Social Coaching

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Social Media Coaching Call with our resident social media coach and professional copywriter! Uplevel your socials with Q&A calls strictly focused on your socials!

Value of $250


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Private online community space to connect with other members and get collaborations going! You might meet the single connection you needed to reach your next level!


That’s a QUARTERLY value of $3000+

As an Academy Member, you get all of this for just $297 per quarter or $990 for an entire YEAR!

It is possible that pricing may be higher the next time we open the doors. 
You will retain your rate as long as you remain a member in good standing!
Hear directly from our members!

The Benefits of Joining Now


Build it together!

Constantly improving and evolving. Let us know what or who you want to learn from and we’ll do our best to bring it in!


Lock in your price!

As long as you remain a member in good standing, your rate will not increase! You smartie pants!

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Collaborate & win!

Meet the people that will put you on their podcast, do an IG live with you, or co-launch your big summit idea!

I've seen growth in followers and in sales!

“With the resources, the mindset work, and of course the community of engaging, intelligent women I have seen a growth in Instagram followers and a growth in sales!”

— Erin, @graciouscandleco

See what they’re saying…

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Your next creative partner, ride or die BFF or collaborator


The Academy is unique because there is a plan and a framework guiding everything we do. This is not a place to throw a bunch of things at you and hope something resonates. All the masterclasses, mindset sessions, and resources have been created to guide you into the simplest way to grow and sustain your business and scale it past exciting revenue milestones.

You’re not looking for a place with more information. You’re looking for A PLAN THAT WORKS, GUIDANCE & COACHING, and COMMUNITY with others as driven as you.

If those are the kind of people you want in your corner, you belong here.

Who is Mariangelica?

My name is Mariangelica and I’m a Certified Business, Life & Success Coach and also Certified in Neuro Linguistic Programming (Helping you rewire your mind to adopt the new version of yourself with ease.)

I’m also a mother, entrepreneur, and strategist. I have spent the last 10 years working in the corporate world in:

  • Marketing,

  • Digital Course Creation

  • Videography,

  • Business Strategy, and

  • Social Media Marketing.

I’ve also never stopped learning and have taken various programs so that I am able to teach these subjects also.

I founded The Honest CEO in the summer of 2019 and since then have grown my business to more than triple my full-time salary. All while working that full-time job, raising three kids, and enjoying vacations with my husband.

Now I’m a leader, educator, podcaster, and international speaker, and I can’t wait to support your new becoming.

Hear directly from our members!

So, you’re ready to join. I got you.

There are three ways of joining the ACADEMY!


$297 / 3 months

■ Monthly Masterclass
■ Monthly Mindset Boosts
■ Monthly Live Laser Coaching Session
■ Monthly Live Social Coaching Session
■ Access to our private group
■ Secure your low rate

BONUS: A 20 minute 1:1 session. Get clear direction on the TRUE needle movers to action on based on where in business you are at.
(A $150 value)

BONUS: A QUARTERLY virtual content deep dive day, to plan, schedule and take the pressure off your socials.
(A $1,000 value)

BONUS: Get two months FREE when you pay for the year.
(A $198 value)

BONUS: 90-Minute Breakthrough Session. Immediate transformation and releasing of your current blocks.
(A $397 value)

BONUS: 2 hours of Zoom Hotline. Book anytime during your year, get 1:1 coaching when you really need it.
(A $794 value)

TOTAL SAVINGS: ($2,539!)

Annual Member

$990 / year

■ Monthly Masterclass
■ Monthly Mindset Boosts
■ Monthly Live Laser Coaching Session
■ Monthly Live Social Coaching Session
■ Access to our private group
■ Secure your low rate

BONUS: A 20 minute 1:1 session. Get clear direction on the TRUE needle movers to action on based on where in business you are at.
(A $150 value)

BONUS: A QUARTERLY virtual content deep dive day, to plan, schedule and take the pressure off your socials.
(A $1,000 value)

BONUS: Get two months FREE when you pay for the year.
(A $198 value)

BONUS: 90-Minute Breakthrough Session. Immediate transformation and releasing of your current blocks.
(A $397 value)

BONUS: 2 hours of Zoom Hotline. Book anytime during your year, get 1:1 coaching when you really need it.
(A $794 value)

TOTAL SAVINGS: ($2,539!)

VIP Member

$1,497 / year

■ Monthly Masterclass
■ Monthly Mindset Boosts
■ Monthly Live Laser Coaching Session
■ Monthly Live Social Coaching Session
■ Access to our private group
■ Secure your low rate

BONUS: A 20 minute 1:1 session. Get clear direction on the TRUE needle movers to action on based on where in business you are at.
(A $150 value)

BONUS: A QUARTERLY virtual content deep dive day, to plan, schedule and take the pressure off your socials.
(A $1,000 value)

BONUS: Get two months FREE when you pay for the year.
(A $198 value)

BONUS: 90-Minute Breakthrough Session. Immediate transformation and releasing of your current blocks.
(A $397 value)

BONUS: 2 hours of Zoom Hotline. Book anytime during your year, get 1:1 coaching when you really need it.
(A $794 value)

TOTAL SAVINGS: ($2,539!)

You belong in the club, if you’re reading this far down the page, you totally do. I know you will love what we will build together, but in case you change your mind, you can cancel your membership at any time, we just need 14 days notice prior to your next bill. Access to the membership is like Netflix, once you leave, so does access to all past and future training, mastermind sessions resources etc. If you do decide to leave, and wish to join us when doors reopen, you will no longer be able to join at the current Member price if the pricing changes.

There is a NO-REFUND policy for both the quarterly, annual, and VIP annual memberships.

See what they’re saying…

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I feel renewed energy & unwavering certainty of what to do next to make my exact vision come to life.

“Mariangelica addressed all my current overwhelming sticking points. Solved and streamlined. This is not just a conversation it is a strategic, goal-focused session that leaves you prepared with a step-by-step plan. No overwhelm, no stone unturned. Very very helpful.”

— Nicole Thorne @pelivic_floor_fitness

Got questions?

  • Nope! If you’re working on making your first $100K or even your first $5K as an entrepreneur, The Club will help you on your mission. If you’re nervous about being overwhelmed with what is taught in the Club, don’t be! I’ve created The Business Roadmap that covers the core foundations of running & growing your business so that you always know what you should focus on next to have the biggest impact. You’ll be surrounded by women who are either where you are at, or have been where you’re at and want to help and support you on your individual journey.

  • I don’t think anyone is too old or too seasoned to be a student. Especially in the ever changing digital world, there are so many moving pieces that it would be crazy to think we need no further inspiration, motivation or support to elevate our businesses. If you’re still reading this page it’s because something in you wants a deep level of connection with other women who are just as driven as you. Other women who are also investing in themselves, doing the thing, and following their dreams. 

    If you’ve been an entrepreneur for a while you know that this is hard, and the hard days feel tougher when we don’t have a sounding board of women to lean into. So no, I don’t think this group will be too basic for you, I think it’s exactly where you need to be.

  • That’s great! We want leaders! Every one of our Members is a leader in their own right. They are leading the way in their business so that they can live a life they get to design. You belong here, and you’re bound to be inspired by what the other leaders in the Club are doing. They say the people you hang around with the most shape who you become. If that’s the case, sign me up to be around excellent women who choose to join this Club and invest in themselves. I want to be around women who put themselves and their businesses as priority and who take action, don’t you?

  • We don’t offer refunds of either the quarterly, annual or VIP annual plans, however you can cancel anytime to not be billed again! We’ll be sad to see you go though!

  • Almost as soon as you purchase your membership, you’ll receive a welcome email with details of your login information for the private member site. You’ll then be on the lookout for an email with details on the welcome virtual party to kick off your arrival, details on how to get access to the private Facebook Community and what to do next!

  • Listen, if you’re anything like me, you’ve taken online courses in the past, or a workshop, or a free training, or a webinar or all of the above. You’ve been in facebook groups before that fizzle out and there doesn’t seem to be any clear direction. You look up a ton of what you don’t know online and you often feel overwhelmed by the 522 different ways you are told to do the same thing. Your problem isn’t having access to content, it’s needing help with implementing it in your business!

    This is exactly why I created The GROWTH Framework. I’ve simplified the core pillars of a successful business and every month you will have a clear direction on what to do to move along the roadmap, whether you are at the building your audience stage, or at the building your marketing stage. I know it can feel overwhelming to have google at your fingertips, a million business questions in your mind, and no one to tell you which one is the right option. My goal is to remove the noise, get you focused in on the one thing you need to do next, and then help you take action into making it happen.

  • Please don’t. My dream is to build a thriving community of women who want to build wealth because they realize that having more money can mean having a greater impact on the world, on the causes they care about, and on their family. More simply, more money means more opportunities for yourself and for others. If you want more money but find you have some unresolved money issues (trust me, BEEN. THERE.) Then please join us. We have mindset support to help you in creating a new beautiful relationship with money. The Academy views wanting more money as a good thing and not an evil greedy thing. Because you are worthy of wealth. And if you don’t believe that yet, hang out with us long enough and you will.

  • The Club was created for women and their supporters. It’s valuable for women (all women) to have a safe space where we can discuss the unique challenges we face in the business world, and support one another. You are more than welcome to join the community if you are non-binary, male or of another gender identification, as long as you love what we are doing here and want to be in community with us. 

  • You can fill out the form below or send me a quick DM on Instagram! I’m here and ready to answer any questions you may have!!

Hear directly from our members!

What are they saying…

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What are you waiting for?


Have a question? Wondering if it’ll be a good fit? Send me a message and I will personally reply.

Any earnings or income statements or examples shown through our website are only estimates of what might be possible now or in the future. There can be no assurance as to any particular financial outcome based on the use of our website or content. You agree that Mariangelica or Honest CEO is not responsible for your earnings, the success or failure of your personal or business decisions, the increase or decrease of your finances or income level, or any other result of any kind that you may have as a result of information presented to you through our website. You are solely responsible for your results. This website is in no way sponsored, administered, or associated with Facebook, Inc. or Instagram, Inc.